Seeding Time

It is the Spring Equinox, and we couldn’t be more excited. Possibly even a little stir crazy! Spring will be here before we know it and that means garden season! For those of you that experience frost and want to get a longer growing season like we do, starting seeds indoors is an essential. Starting from seed is also a great way to save some money and guarantee that you know what is being used on your plants if going the organic route. There is so much to learn about gardening, the topic is endless. So, here are our tips...
How to Find a New Hobby

We don’t know about you, but about this time each year, we start getting antsy. The winter weather gets old. Our routine is stale, no stimulation. Wake up, go to work, come home, veg. The weather isn’t cooperating, so our motivation to do anything else is non-existent. This is okay every once in awhile, but when it happens on a regular basis, it begins to affect the psyche, allowing seasonal depression to set in. There is no shame in seasonal depression, it happens to all of us. We have found that one of our favorite anecdotes to this temporary depression...
Quality Family Time

Hey Parents…it’s okay to slow down. So often we get caught up in the madness of our schedules. Balancing work, kids school (or your school), kids activities, chores, cleaning, meals, and the possibility of a social life. If we fill our days with plans and activities we must be doing something right, right? It can be a lot to handle and maybe it is too much to handle. The full days can lead to stress, and it is hard to maintain a happy family, if you want to pull your hair out. We have a couple of suggestions to help...
Valentine's Date Ideas

Another year, another Valentine’s Day! Valentine’s Day can be such a complicated day to plan for. While trying to juggle invitations for the kids, the normal work load, winter, in general, it is a day that can just sneak up on us. This would be fine, if it wasn’t the day we are supposed to commit to our partners (well, according to Hallmark and the rest of society!) We are strong believers in always showing your partner love, regardless of the day, but skipping out on the day where you are supposed to is not the best idea. We aren’t...
Fight the Good Fight

With the kids back to school after a long break, and adults back to work, the not so friendly germs are beginning their busy season. Runny nose, cough, fever, are all symptoms of the common cold. If you are anything like we are you try to talk yourself out of your symptoms and ignore them as long as you can. We have some helpful tips on how to combat the symptoms and get back in business as quickly as possible. Drink Water In our family the joke is that we could come in with our arm cut off and Mom...