The air is fresh, and it’s really dang rainy. It must be spring in Minnesota. With spring comes the urge to freshen up, especially on the home front. Spring cleaning is a real thing, and we are here to help you fulfill that urge to clean without dread or burnout. We like a fresh house, but we aren’t huge fans of cleaning ourselves. We would much rather toil in the garden or be out in the fresh air. But we do think it is essential to keep the home tidy, if only for keeping sane. A clean space helps with stress, and we could use all the help we can get. So, where do we start?
First things first, make a plan. We are list makers in our family, so we like a good list and a good plan. A plan is a must for us to get the most out of our cleaning frenzy. Grab a pen and paper and write down all of the cleaning activities you would like to get done. No matter how big or daunting it is, write it down. Once it’s on paper, go through the list again and circle the small tasks. This is your starting point. We recommend not trying to tackle the whole list at one time. Start with the small jobs. Once those are done, and you are feeling up to more work, circle the next set. Continue like this until you finish the list, or you don’t want to do it anymore. You do not have to complete the list. It is just there as a reference.
The next step is to make sure you are prepared. There is nothing worse than getting in the groove of cleaning to find you don’t have the proper cleaning agent, storage bin, or tool you need to complete the job. Use your list as a reference to the materials you may need to go cleaning crazy. The fewer pit stops you have to make along the cleaning journey, the more likely you will stick with it and get more done.
Now the preparation is done, it’s time to clean. Turn up the music, dance like you know how and get to it. You will likely reach a point where you sort through old papers, the closet, or the toy bin. Once you get there, remember this advice- THROW IT AWAY. You do not need to hold on to items you are not using. We find spring the perfect time to sort through our winter clothes. If we didn’t touch it over the winter, it’s out of the closet. Get rid of clothes that don’t fit. Throw away the kids’ old homework assignments. They won’t want more than a manila folder of school keepsakes once they are older. Don’t leave them with the dreaded schoolwork bin when they are adults. It ends up sitting in the back of their closet until they have a massive spring cleaning frenzy 20 years later. We are seriously giving you Marie Kondo advice here; if it doesn’t bring your joy, it’s time to get it out of there.
Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be stressful. It doesn’t have to be the dreaded task of the season. We know it’s just cleaning, but a shift in mindset can make a huge difference in getting it done. Remember that having a tidy space, if even for a moment, reduces stress. It can be fun. No, it should be fun. Make a game of it and ask for help from the family. You deserve a tidy space, especially if it’s something you want. Happy Spring!