Does anybody else have the hardest time picking the perfect gift for their dad for Father’s Day? We would love to give you a list of the best gifts to give your dad this year, but we can’t even figure it out for our own dad. We can all struggle together. We know that we will give our dads our time and love this year. We invite you to do the same!
Dad, thank you.
- Thank you for all the things I see and don’t see.
- Thank you for the silly faces to make me smile.
- Thank you for nacho night in front of the TV and ice cream, even if mom said no.
- Thank you for acting surprised every time I gave you tools as a gift, I still have the hardest time choosing the perfect one.
- Thank you for driving me to 6 am practices and being the loudest to cheer at the games.
- Thank you for teaching me that I make a better door than I do a window, especially when standing in front of the television.
- Thanks for always answering the phone with “yellow” instead of “hello” it makes me smile every time.
- Thanks for every dad joke you’ve ever told; I’ve learned to appreciate their appeal.
- Thanks for teaching me how to use a drill and change my tire. Thank you especially for answering my home construction questions. Who knew that changing a door lock could be so hard?
- Thank you for talking sports and repeating the rules when I forget, which is often.
- Thank you for your long work hours.
- Thank you for teaching me the respect that I deserve as well as how to be respectful.
- Thank you for always having my back and being honest when I was the one in the wrong.
- Thank you for the memories from camping to being tucked into bed.
- Thanks for supporting me and being my biggest cheerleader.
- Thank you for giving me the opportunities to be myself.
- Thank you for being the rule enforcer, I know that you were only being strict to protect me.
- Thank you for worrying about me and sorry for making you worry.
- Thank you for the risks you took to help me be where I am today.
Most importantly thank you for loving me and teaching me how to love. Thank you for all of the things I cannot see. You are a superhero Pops. I love you.