We realized as we were working on our blog list that we wanted to discuss winter activities, but at the same time realized that we don’t all live in the same climates! Haley lives in snowy, cold Minnesota while Shelley winters someplace warmer. We actually make a point to ask what the other did during the day when we talk on the phone because it couldn’t be more opposite. One of us went ice skating while the other strolled the beach. How do we recommend winter activities when our climates are oh so different?
If you are part of our Newsletter, you have heard us talk about the small acts of self-care we can do every day. We have decided to continue and expand upon that conversation here. Self-care is one of our favorite topics because the current culture leans toward one way of thinking when, in actuality, we all benefit from different versions of it. A glass of wine and brunch is one self-care style. Folding the laundry and reading a book is another.
One of the reasons we started our blog on The Healing Hippy was to share with you a little bit about us. Who we are, how we live, the people behind the products. We thought a fun way to do that would be to share some of our favorite products in 2021!
A resolution is just a goal any other time of the year. Why does it feel bigger at the start of the year? Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves now? We think it's the energy around the new year. It feels fresh, and the constant narrative makes it a little spicy and fun. We get it. We aren't here to tell you NOT to set resolutions; if you want to start something new, then more power to you! But...let's talk about how to set a resolution with intention.
We know we aren't the first to say 2020 was not the year we were predicting. We also know we are incredibly grateful for our customers and The Healing Hippy's growth in 2020!